3 Reasons Why I Went Vegan

Eating whole foods is the best you can do for yourself, the animals and the planet

The Awakening Planet


Photo by Caju Gomes on Unsplash

It’s been almost 4 years since I went vegan and it’s one of the best choices I have ever made in my life.

Ever since I remember I felt sick whenever I had to cook a meal with meat. I almost never used to cook anything. I didn’t even know how, and I never liked it.

I only began enjoying cooking when I got rid of meat, dairy and eggs from my diet permanently.

My boyfriend and I often joke that I was born to be a vegan. I know I would have never learned to cook if I didn’t change my diet.

It all started after I watched the “Animals should be off the menu” debate. It took place in 2014 but I watched it exactly 4 years later on YouTube.

I knew straight away I need to change my diet after I heard Phillip Wollen, an Australian philanthropist and one of the spokespeople, saying the following sentence that stuck with me:

If slaughterhouses had glass walls, we wouldn’t be having this debate tonight.

I haven’t seen the inside of a slaughterhouse ever before but suddenly a vivid vision of animals suffering inside appeared in front of me.



The Awakening Planet

I share insights on conscious living, wellbeing, growth & spirituality, inspiring you to live authentic & fulfilling life. http://authenticlifewithgosia.com