Dear Humans

Jacob Derry
The Awesome Initiative
2 min readSep 25, 2015

It’s football Saturday. Crowds of people are buzzing in anticipation for this game. You have tickets, so you’re tailgating with friends in the hours leading up to kickoff.

Then, out of nowhere, a man in a gray flight suit runs up to you. He’s breathing heavily and his eyes are the size of baseballs, seeping with desperation.

He explains that he’s a pilot, and he flies a plane with banner messages in the sky over the stadium. His messages reach over 100,000 people.

The pilot has come to you for help. He doesn’t have a message or banner prepared for the game. This is your one chance he tells you…then he asks:

If you could deliver one message to 100,000+ people, what would it be?

This might not be very likely to happen, but it’s important to think about because everyday we choose the message we deliver to others. We choose it in our actions and interactions in-person and on social media.

And for many of us, this a new way of thinking. Most of us don’t wake up in the morning and ask ourselves, “what message do I want to send today?”

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately…I’ve determined that one of my life goals is to be a world-class teacher (not necessarily in a school). And I think a critical part of being a world-class teacher, among many other things, is being an evangelist for your message (assuming your message would have a positive influence on the receivers) and delivering it with grace and timeliness to the people who need to hear it.

When I think about world-class teachers throughout history: Jesus, Aristotle, Karl Marx, Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Stephen Hawking, they all had their message and embodied it in every aspect of their life.

So my challenge to you is to not only think about what you want your message to be but to share it…starting with me right here.

In the comments, follow this format and include your message:

Dear Humans,

(Your one sentence message here)


Another Human

As an example this is what my message is right now:

Dear Humans,

Look and listen closely because you can discover extraordinary lessons from everyday things.


Another Human

Thanks for reading and continue to share your message beyond this blog post…that way, when a desperate banner plane pilot comes to you for help, you’ll be ready 😉

Image source:

Originally published at on September 25, 2015.

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Jacob Derry
The Awesome Initiative

curious listener, inspired writer, and follower of Jesus