No Answers. Only Questions.

Jacob Derry
The Awesome Initiative
2 min readMay 1, 2016
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — Ferris Bueller

Congratulations graduating seniors! This post was written specifically with you in mind.

As the title suggests, it has no answers.

It only has questions. That’s the fun: you get to come up with the answers to these questions. It might take a second, several hours, or a dozen years to settle on your answers. You might even change answers (you can do that)…the point is to think and reflect.

I know, it’s just what you needed…here you thought you had just got done answering questions, but we both know those exam and essay questions weren’t the ones you wanted to be answering. These are.

When thinking about myself graduating next year, these are the questions that came to mind…the questions I want to ponder, to struggle with, and, ultimately, to answer.

#1 What did your time at this school mean?

Follow-up: #2 Can you describe it to someone else in one word?

#3 What was the moment or moments that lit your hair on fire (figuratively of course)?

#4 What was the moment or moments that pushed you to your limits (good or bad)? What did you learn about yourself then?

#5 What was the single most difficult choice you made during college? How did you make it?

#6 Who was your favorite professor? What did you like about him or her?

#7 Who is one person who you met during college (other than that professor) that you want to thank? Why them?

#8 What was your best mistake you made during college?

#9 What was something you said, did, or created during college that you are proud of?

#10 If you could go back in time, what advice would you give the freshman-version of yourself?

Those are the questions. Thanks for reading.

Finally, I’d like to give a personal thank you to the graduating UM seniors who made a difference of some form in my life. Thanks to:

Becca M., Trinity L., Naruka Y., Zach W., Diego C., Brian D., Elise H., Tasha T., Saad J., Nathan S., Kelsey T., Bert., and Linda M.

Good luck in your next adventure! Go forth and change the world in the best way you know how.

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Jacob Derry
The Awesome Initiative

curious listener, inspired writer, and follower of Jesus