A Note: We Will No Longer Publish Things With Women Doing “Thinking”

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2011

Women don’t debate big abstract questions, says the @Awl. They know how dumb ass that is. Or something like that, I dunno. http://jr.ly/azb2Tue Jul 12 23:05:28 via Blork

Jay Rosen

Ha, this morning on my way to coffee, I was thinking about writing something about how I was a little incoherent yesterday on the topic of journalism professionals Jay Rosen and Nicholas Carr debating ‘Is the Internet Good For Journalism.’ Because I was! My underlying criticism being: 1. Jesus, barn doors, horses, fires, etc., come on people, it’s 2011. And 2. Who actually needs this conversation to happen? WHY? And 2.5 Jesus, if I have to hear two profesh men debate the meaning of things one more time, I’ll sorta scream. (And, unsurprisingly, if there were actually “sides” in this non-debate, obviously I’d be on Jay Rosen’s, who actually helps create journalism on the web and encourages such and tries to help the children of the brave new world.) But semi-coherence gets what it deserves, so Jay’s dealt with me nicely. He’s done me a service really — he’s finally convinced me that women don’t enjoy rising to the positions that these men hold, which is why there are virtually no ladies in the positions of semi-power (I mean, I know, “power,” LOL — mostly I mean paycheck?) in the media talking head arena. I’ve realized I believe that women, well, yes! They just don’t enjoy getting paid and/or debating abstract questions. I’ve decided to make it official: no more opinions by women here! Please pitch stories about your lady feelings to The Hairpin or something. MAYBE JUST GO HAVE SOME BABIES? Definitely stop reaching for the stars and stuff though.

