According to Pew

John Herrman
The Awl
Published in
3 min readJun 1, 2015

Pew has a new report out called “Millennials & Political News.” An introduction:

Among Millennials, Facebook is far and away the most common source for news about government and politics. When asked whether they got political and government news from each of 42 sources in the previous week (36 specific news outlets, local TV generally and 5 social networking sites), about six-in-ten Web-using Millennials (61%) reported getting political news on Facebook. That is 17 points higher than the next most consumed source for Millennials (CNN at 44%).

And some data:

According to Pew, “Local TV,” which includes hundreds of television channels, many affiliated with major networks, is a news source that is comparable to “CNN,” a cable news channel (and website and YouTube channel and Facebook page and Twitter page). It is also comparable to “Google News,” which itself does not produce news, but which posts links to both CNN and “Local TV” websites, as well as to “Local Newspapers,” which are also included in this list.

According to Pew, MSNBC, a channel and website, is directly comparable to Ed Schultz, who has a show that airs on MSNBC, and to The Daily Show, which airs on Comedy Central, a channel that is not included on this list. The Drudge Report, a list of links to other items on this list, is comparable to NPR, a radio non-profit that syndicates content to hundreds of radio stations as well as the internet, through its app and partner station apps.

Also according to Pew, these generations — Millennial, Gen X, Boomer — are not a cynical marketing theology that should be rejected outright, but a necessary shorthand — longhand? — for groups of people born between certain years.

According to Pew, this is one way its data was gathered.

According to Pew, Facebook, on which users post links and media from other places, is also a “source” of political news.

Therefore, according to Pew, “Social Media” could be… “the Local TV for the Next Generation.” According to Pew.

