Amazing Long-Lost Bongwater Video for “The Power of Pussy” Lives!

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readJun 30, 2010

The video for “The Power of Pussy,” the classic Bongwater song (with B-52s frontman Fred Schneider singing backup!), had a budget of “$1000 and $600 of that went to Ann [Magnuson]’s hair and make-up, with the remainder going to pizza and videotape stock.” And: “Ann threw a big party to premiere the video and it was the first time I was ever in Los Angeles. There were tons of TV and movie stars there (Albert Brooks, Richard Lewis), rockstars (members of Red Hot Chili Peppers and Fishbone) Russ Meyer actress Kitten Natividad and even Simpson’s creator Matt Groening, who asked me for a copy for his personal collection, which was a thrill.” DREAMY. It’s after the jump, because the video’s still is a drawing of a bunch of penises and a few of you have jobs!

