All Stories published by The Awl on June 01, 2009

American Airlines: Still the Worst Website in the Universe

This is something I think frequently myself! “Recently, I had the horrific displeasure of booking a flight on your website, The experience was so bad that I vowed never to fly your airline again.” Hilariously, some folks at American Airlines agreed.

The NYC Real Estate Market Is Just Fine, Says LYING FREAK

This from a 22-year-old senior vice president at Prudential Douglas Elliman, in New York City, regarding the residential sales market: “We are now seeing a definite turnaround as well as some major market activity and are eagerly anticipating a great 2009.” Haha, LIAR! Yes: him again.

“Mona Lisa” Still Hot?

The hotness of her ass has been remarked upon.

A piece in the Journal this weekend wondered why seeing the Mona Lisa in person is such a disappointing experience…

Malcolm Gladwell Pounded On NYer Letters Page

We were a little slow getting to a dissection of Malcolm Gladwell’s latest piece over here, because, well, we are like the old times, we like to carefully weigh our opinions before publishing. (Just joshing!) But the U.S. mail and the letters desk is…

WSJ Culture Blog Live, Wacky, Hard To Find!

The long-rumored Wall Street Journal pan-culture blog is up and running. Called Speakeasy, it is very different for the Wall Street Journal! Although only we on the Internet will know that. You can find it by clicking on “Life & Style” on the newspaper’s…

Air France Jet Breaks Trans-Atlantic Safety Streak

I’ve spent a long time telling the airplane-phobic that no cruising-level trans-Atlantic flight has ever just suddenly crashed, but that apparently has now changed with Air France’s now-missing flight from Rio to Paris.

Conde Nast, Sort Of Revealed!

Hey, we read that big article on S.I. Newhouse and family, the owners of Conde Nast, in New York magazine!

1. “….this year’s American Society of Magazine Editor Awards at Lincoln Center, the Pulitzers of magazine journalism….” What! No. They are no…

Bloomberg: “That Was Just Mike Being Mike”

“I think most people seem to like the mayor, which is great,” the mayor told reporters today as he explained that his dickish behavior last Thursday was actually a result of the Talmudic scholarship in which he must engage to determine whether he is…

Are New York Times Ads Sexist?

“I object to The New York Times ads on TV that are sexist,” a reader-probably a broad-tells advertising columnist Stuart Elliot. “There’s a young woman who talks about the Styles section and a young man who talks about the Week in Review. It’s only the women who are excited…

Eminem Gets An Assface

MTV Shows

The verdict on last night’s “excitement” at the MTV Movie awards: Eh. “Was it staged? Most likely. Eminem is a master pitchmen, and he’s used his homophobic tag to move records before (see the Grammys’ 2001 performance with Elton John). But if it was…

New iPhone OMG

Here is a collection of slightly blurry photos showing what may or may not be the new iPhone. It has a compass! Slaver and drool like the iPhone imbeciles you are.

Recovery Time!

Citigroup and General Motors were removed from the Dow Jones Industrial Average today.(Historical note: “By replacing GM with Cisco, Dow Jones & Co. has removed automakers from the best-known benchmark for U.S. stocks, saying in an e-mailed statement that computers are as central to the economy as…

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