All Stories published by The Awl on June 02, 2009

Some Light Gay Pornography For Your Afternoon!

Here is a terrifying and not-really-safe-for-work pictorial project about two gay guys in harnesses on a picnic! I don’t know, it is dirty and there are Pepperidge Farm cookies, and was made by the collaborative duo of Julien and Stéphane, two 24-year-olds. ART APPRECIATION.

Ross Douthat, The Supreme Court, and Judicial Activism

Today, New York Times op-ed columnist Ross Douthat weighs in on the “controversial power grabs” of the liberal Supreme Court, though he notes that “right-wingers, too, have grown accustomed to turning to the Court.” The court overturns

Praise For Book Praising Obama

Michiko Kakutani reviews Renegade: The Making of a President, by Richard Wolffe, the MSNBC analyst who can claim the important distinction of having been in the tank and on the trail for almost as long as anyone else who covered Barack Obama’s race for the White House…

Some Air France Wreckage Found

Agh. WaPo: “Air Force Finds Signs of Plane Wreckage About 375 Miles Off Coast.” Including… seats.

The Rich In Los Angeles Are Suffering!

Postcard from Los Angeles! “Months before financial markets collapsed in fall 2008, boutique proprietor Lee-Lee Sprenger noticed that her usually free-spending customers were flinching at $900 price tags on sweaters fresh from Italy.”

A Third Way Of Looking At Copyright

Long-time blogger (and even longer-time Canadian) Joe Clark has announced his new book project, “The Cranky Copyright Book.” It promises to investigate that huge swath of intellectual territory between the RIAA and Cory Doctorow; his point being that neither party in…

What Black People Should Do Now

Former Senator Rick Santorum suggests that President Obama could just as easily set a good example for black people-who hate marriage-by getting his wife loaded at some neighborhood dive. Everyone knows fancy dinners and Broadway shows are for white people anyway.

I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Herzog

A thorough review of “I’m A Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here”: “all I could think of was Herzog, Herzog, Herzog”!

Reality TV Kills, But So Does Everything Else

Newish Hollywood site The Wrap presents an “investigation” which reveals “that the reality of reality shows is not nearly so benign: at least 11 reality-show participants have taken their own lives — and two more who have tried to — in tragedies that…

Huffington Toast

TNR has a blistering critique of Arianna Huffington. It is over 6000 words long. Here’s a sample: “Huffington is one of those writers who mistakes press criticism for the entirety of social and political criticism. Her condescension toward the press is endless: ‘Someone please alert the media: not…

Meghan McCain Wants To Be Taken As Seriously As Cheney

Meghan McCain is PISSED OFF: “# Hey Washington Monthly, so it’s only important to speak out for marriage equality if your an old man?”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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