All Stories published by The Awl on June 09, 2009

Hot For Summer: Burlap

The way we-well, some of us; no one I know-live now: with the illusion of frugality!

Coffee tables made from barrels. Lamps crafted from brooms. Chairs swathed in burlap and sackcloth. Look at the some of the newest furniture on the market, and the recession…

Fun With Words On Internet

Currently enjoying: Wordnik, the new website devoted to providing “as much information as possible, just as fast as we can find it, for every word in English, and to give you a place where you can make your own opinions about words known.” Obviously it needs a few tweaks yet, and…

A Magazine For Jews? What’s Next!

News Jews can use! Please welcome Tablet magazine. Ha, it has a blog called “The Scroll.” YAY, JEWISH PUNS. Also, pretty much every Jew we have ever met works there.

Leading Economic Indicators

Banks are buying back TARP shares, the government is easing off on plans to reorganize the financial regulatory system, and handjobs in the Bronx are going for $200 a pop: Maybe the recession really is over!

Paterson Stuck At Desk Until All This Albany Stuff Gets Sorted Out

What with all the craziness going down in Albany, New York Governor David Paterson has announced that he will not leave the state, because “if there’s any type of misunderstanding or who is next in charge, I would…

Washington Times Calls Out Barack Obama For Musliming It Up

Salon takes note of a reasoned, cogent argument in the Washington Times which suggests that President Obama is not even bothering to be secret about his Muslimity anymore. Sample passage: “After his five months in office, and…

Gitmo Prisoner In NYC, Run For Your Lives!

Please welcome Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani to our shores! Ghailani, “transferred from U.S. military to civilian custody at the secretive Camp Seven in the naval base in Cuba and brought to New York by U.S. Marshals to face trial for his role in the Aug. 7…

Hank Paulson, Goldman Sachs and the Wall Street Journal

Hoo, boy, I didn’t read Matt Taibbi’s latest from yesterday until just now. “Can you imagine what a craven, bumlicking ass-goblin you’d have to be to get a job working for the Wall Street Journal, not mention up front that you used to…

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