All Stories published by The Awl on June 23, 2009

Bill Maher Driving Me Crazy With Smarmy Correctness

Cheered by the semi-viral response to his tirade against Barack Obama last week, smarmy fuck Bill Maher goes back to the well, this time taking on the Democratic party as a whole. It is, once again, immensely frustrating: the fucking smarm…

Top Two ‘Times’ Editors Sell Paper’s PR Message By Hand

The top two editors at the New York Times gave a little public chat last night. It was, reports the Observer’s John Koblin, a new-for-the-paper exercise in personal branding: “With all this human interest in the air, it was 63 minutes…

Matthew Barney? Or Smurfy Flash Mob?

They are indeed spookily similar: last month’s world’s largest assembly of people dressed as Smurfs in Wales and Matthew Barney’s Cremaster Cycle.

You Do Not Light Up My Casting Couch

“’You Light Up My Life’ writer indicted on sex charges,” and yes, the gentleman who flew aspiring at least 11 aspiring actresses to New York for “auditions” that allegedly included rape and grand larceny was 71.

Prominent White Person Uses Hip Hop Vernacular

When, in his Times Magazine Q&A; Deborah Solomon collage project, astronaut Buzz Aldrin revealed that he “just did a rap session with Snoop Dogg and a rap composition called ‘Rocket Experience,’” I immediately thought, Oh God, here comes another…

Madoff Lawyer Requests Light Sentence

Uh, yeah, good luck with that: “Attempting to mitigate a maximum sentence of 150 years for a client whose name has become synonymous with greed, defense attorney Ira Lee Sorkin of Dickstein Shapiro asked a federal judge this morning to set aside the ‘hysteria’…

Domestic Animals Now Competing With Birds And Swine

An increasing number of cats and dogs are infected with MRSA-the antibiotic resistant “superbug” created by English people’s aversion to washing themselves. However, it seems that the animals are catching the infection from their human…

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