All Stories published by The Awl on June 26, 2009

TMZ and Michael Jackson: The World Won’t Listen

Not only will we not be able to see Sasha Baron Cohen’s “interview” with Latoya Jackson in Bruno, and not only will we never find out what “stage move” he was feverishly creating “to succeed his famous ‘moonwalk,’” (crueler Awl staffers than I…

The Not-Really-Secret Christian Cabal Of D.C.

Today’s Washington Post blows the lid off “the very nexus of American scandal” in Washington! Yes, it’s the rowhouse on C Street, home of the “obsessively secretive” organization usually called the Fellowship Foundation. Yea, so secretive it is…

Today In Archeology

Hey, they found 35,000 year old flute fragments! Politicians in the state of Kansas claim that people used flutes in the olden times to keep the dinosaurs at bay. See also: Ice Age 3: Jesus and Santa v. the Tyrannosaurus .

Indie Pop: Now You Know

Helpful hints for Times readers:

“Indie pop is literate, low-fidelity, oft-downbeat music that doesn’t sell very well and is usually distributed by undercapitalized independent record labels.”

Enough With The “Breaking” E-Mail Alerts

Robert Niles has had enough: “[E]-mail’s an excellent choice to let readers know about enterprise stories or other exclusives that the news organization is breaking. But… sending a “breaking news alert” hours after everyone from Helsinki to Honolulu has been…


New York Times reporter Brian Stelter is wondering if anyone has ever written about the celebrities and the media! Okay: 1. Google Scholar: Tabloid, Celebrity. 2. Step away from the Twitter. Please. You’re a sweet guy! 3. Oh and TMZ already, rather quite unbelievably, has the Michael Jackson 911 call.

Stalemate In Albany Enters Name-Calling, Affair-Remembering Phase

It’s still crazy up in New York state capital Crazytown, and now it’s getting personal: “Furious over Gov. David Paterson’s order that senators pay and per diems be withheld, Sen. Kevin Parker called him a…

Michael Bay Discovered Everyone, Okay?

“Nick Cage wasn’t a big actor when I cast him,” Transformers director Michael Bay tells the Wall Street Journal, “nor was Ben Affleck before I put him in ‘Armageddon.’ Shia LaBeouf wasn’t a big movie star before he did ‘Transformers’-and then he exploded. Not to…

Who Killed Michael Jackson?

No kidding

In the wake of the pop icon’s passing, the main questions emerging seem to center around responsibility and…

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