Top Stories published by The Awl in September of 2009

Poor Monica Hesse Is Also A Failed Lesbian

Poor Monica Hesse is hated by every gay blogger in America pretty much, because she wrote a funny Washington Post profile about the head of NOM NOM NOM, who is a cheery douchebag with an obsession on hating gay marriage, and all the gays were like, NO ONE…

Gluttony with Mary HK Choi: Milkis & Calpico

Pepsi has just announced their new limited-edition flavor: Azuki! Which is red bean. Which, unless you’re all, “I CAN HAZ CHEESEBURGER?” at every non-white people restaurant, you’ll know is considered a sweet in Asia. We add a gang of sugar to the…

Barack Obama’s Back To School Speech

President Obama’s “controversial” speech to American schoolchildren goes out live at noon today. In an attempt to help reduce the worries of those who are concerned that the President might try to impose his beliefs on our easily-influenced young people, the White…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Awl in September of 2009. You can also dive into daily archives for September of 2009 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

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