All Stories published by The Awl on January 12, 2011

Doogie Horner Makes “Gettin’ Laid Lemonade”

In this episode of Cooking the Books: Doogie Horner, the author of Everything Explained Through Flowcharts, teaches Emily Gould how to make “Gettin’ Laid Lemonade.” And then they get wasted. Cooking the Books is directed by Valerie Temple and shot and…

The Story of Glock

Here’s a brief history of the Glock brand, with an important note: “Glock sales in Arizona have surged following [the Tucson shootings]… along with sales of all handgun brands. Glock was one of the best selling brands before the incident, so a surge in sales overalls means a comparatively larger surge in Glock sales.”

By And About Charles Portis

A few links from the archives for the Charles Portis fans out there: The Atlantic has a memoir, “Combinations of Jacksons,” and a short story, “I Don’t Talk Service No More.” The Believer has a 7,000 word celebration by Ed Park. And the New Yorker directs you to a 1984 “Talk of…

Talking To Paul Mazursky

Here’s a nice chat with director Paul Mazursky, whose Down and Out in Beverly Hills is terrifically underrated. Personal anecdote: A couple of years ago Mazursky wrote a piece for a publication I was editing. Not wishing to be presumptuous about selecting from his body of work, I got…

Bullying Dickheads Turn On Each Other

Are our dreams of a Rudy Giuliani-Chris Christie presidential ticket doomed to failure? The two politicians are now sniping at one another. Last week Giuliani criticized Christie’s absence during the December’s big snowstorm — Christie was at Disney World — and…

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