All Stories published by The Awl on January 18, 2011

In 1919, 1 in 4 New York City Workers Went on Strike

According to The 1938 Almanac for New Yorkers, excerpted below: 110 years ago tomorrow, hazing was outlawed at West Point! And also this week in 1919, 35,000 dressmakers in New York City went on strike for, among other things, a 44-hour…

Best Coast, “Crazy For You,” and the Supremacy Of The “Vision Quest” Soundtrack

The sunny, retro stylings of critical darlings Best Coast have not totally grabbed me yet. Not that I particularly dislike them, but, for instance, I would enjoy this song more if it were a…

What an Improbable and Bizarre Roger Ailes Profile!

I was looking forward to learning about Why Roger Ailes Hates America as per the title of this Esquire profile but unfortunately the answer was not forthcoming, or perhaps a few thousand words of bizarre overwrought writerly tics prevented me from finding out.

Where To See Awl Pals This Week

Got plans this Thursday? Cancel ‘em! Awl pals Miles Klee and Mary H.K. Choi will be reading at the Steamboat Literary Humor Series, along with Ben Greenman and hosts Bob Powers and Jason Reich. It’s at the Greenlight bookstore in Fort Greene at 7:30 PM. More details here.

Ben Franklin’s Collection Of Synonyms For Inebriation

Oh, look, it’s a compendium of expressions signifying drunkenness published by founding father Ben Franklin more than two centuries ago. One of them is “Got the Pole Evil,” which I tend to use in another context, but I’m sure you’ll find something here to add to your lexicon.

How The Anonymous Obama Novel Ends

Have you heard about O: A Presidential Novel? It’s a book about “aspiration and delusion, set during the presidential election of 2012 and written by an anonymous author who has spent years observing politics and the fraught relationship between public image and…

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