All Stories published by The Awl on January 19, 2011

Italian Women Dress Slutty

Maybe there’s a simple explanation for the whole Berlusconi thing: “What you have to understand before you read coverage by any Anglo-Saxon reporter about the women seen at Berlusconi’s party is that many Italian women, but Roman women in particular, dress like hookers.”

Save the Date in L.A. for Drinks: Feb. 1

Save the date: February 1, in the city of Los Angeles, in the neighborhood of “Echo Park,” at Taix. Awl readers are gathering to drink and discuss their feelings, beginning at 7 p.m. More info will follow in the comments.

Awesome Majesty Of Science Harnessed To Make Bigger Bar Snacks

Dig in: “Scientists in New Mexico have successfully bred a bell pepper to a jalapeno to create a new, larger, medium-hot version of the jalapeno. What’s the point? Poppers, my friends. Poppers. The breeding program was…

Where To Also See Awl Pals This Week

What are you doing tonight? I’ll tell you what you’re doing tonight: You’re heading over to McNally Jackson to see Awl pals Matthew Gallaway and Sasha Frere-Jones discuss Matthew’s new novel The Metropolis Case and debate the current state of affairs in Tunisia…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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