All Stories published by The Awl on January 28, 2011

“Fear of Vaccines: Is It Warranted?” (A: No)

The Times op-ed page letters today are struggling with how vaccines do or do not cause autism (which they don’t).

Ham Sandwich Used As Assault Weapon

To Ohio, where a man summoned the constabulary on a complaint that “his live-in-girlfriend hit him with a ham sandwich inside their home in the 2600 block of Royalton Road around 7:10 p.m.” Unfortunately, “the man was unable to provide deputies with a full…

The Role of Labor Movements in Egypt

Some things about Egypt that you may not have read about until now: “From 2004 to 2008 alone, about 1.7 million workers have engaged in 1,900 strikes and other forms of protest, demanding everything from wage increases to job security in state-owned industries that…

We Desire That You Subscribe to Jauntsetter

If you subscribe to Jauntsetter this week — it’s the once-a-week email about local and fun travel! — you could win, of all things, a heart-shaped 2-quart LeCreuset casserole dish, and there is nothing I want more, so win it and give it to me.

Things Finally Looking Up For Famous Golfer

Relax, everybody, all it means is that the famous golfer shot a “three-under-par 69 in the Farmers Insurance Open first round Thursday,” okay? Which he probably celebrated by banging a couple of cocktail waitresses.

Helpful Hints For Arguing On The Web

How to derail a conversation on the Internet: “Excuse me, but I can’t believe you’re not talking about rape in the DRC. Why on earth aren’t you talking about that in a blogpost entitled ‘Kittens and Bunnies’?”

Suicide By Bear

I just… wow. “A convicted killer who escaped from an Arizona prison said after his capture that he had planned to overdose on heroin at Yellowstone National Park and let bears eat him to end the fear and panic he was experiencing while on the lam.”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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