All Stories published by The Awl on February 03, 2011

Cigarettes Officially Banned in Times Square, Central Park

Shock and awe, people! The City Council did indeed ban all smoking in New York parks (and “pedestrian plazas,” which is how Times Square gets in there). Start your lawyers! Tell it, Councilmember Erik Dilan: “I guess if somebody…

Arguments Against ‘Mad Men’

Daniel Mendelsohn suggests that “the greatest part of the audience for Mad Men is made up not, as you might have imagined at one point, by people of the generation it depicts — people who were in their twenties and thirties and forties in the 1960s, and are now in their sixties…

Mexico Keeping The Lights On In Texas

“Mexico’s state electricity company on Wednesday started supplying electricity to Texas, where cold weather and power shortages forced rolling blackouts across the state. Mexico’s Federal Electricity Commission issued a statement saying it ‘was determined to…

A Year Ago Today: Paul Ford

As cutbacks and labor strife roil the waters at venerable magazine institution Harper’s, perhaps now would be a good time to look back at our chat with Paul Ford, who was then serving as the publication’s web editor. Many of the issues discussed there still resound today!

Murdoch’s The Daily Already Inspiring The Internet

Interested in The Daily but still not sure it’s worth buying an iPad for? Check out The Daily: Indexed and The Daily Daily and the inevitable other bunch of Tumblrs that follow in their wake.

Truck Apparently Plows Through Crowd Of Protesters

I am a little averse to putting up what is, in essence, a snuff film, but you can go here to see horrifying footage from Egypt “that seems to show a police truck racing through a crowded street and running over protesters.” [Via]

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