All Stories published by The Awl on February 07, 2011

Das Racist on the Nature of God

Das Racist (America’s best rappers? You decide) recently played at Carleton College and of course hijinks ensued: “After their show I walked up to Victor who was being accosted by fangurls and I was like, ‘Hey these chicks are weird come hang out with my friends our hotel…

Where You Ladies Get Your Thinspiration

So here is a look at the pro-ana and “thinspo” Tumblr communities! This is a thing to know about, the young ladies who in varying ways crave being tiny, but please note our official position on food and body size is “we are in favor of people eating the hell…

‘The Dead Do Not Improve’: 2012’s Novel to Anticipate

Um! Enthusiasts of the work of Jay Kang (this and this) will be interested in this: “Crown’s Lindsay Sagnette made a six-figure pre-empt for North American rights to a debut novel by Columbia M.F.A. Jay Kang. Sterling Lord’s Jim Rutman…

Tina Fey Amuses, Harrows

The Tina Fey thing in the New Yorker today — subscription only, cheapos! — is actually great. It’s a funny, tangled little thing that still feels raw and a little frightening! True fact: “Network executives really do say things like ‘I don’t know. I don’t want to fuck anybody on this show.’”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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