All Stories published by The Awl on February 10, 2011

“Should Have Been Speedman”

This has become one of my favorite party games: “So it’s that time of night again when you find yourself sleepless on the couch, watching the same movies you always end up seeing at that hour. (Let’s face it, it’s never Bergman on late-night TBS, is it?) Perhaps you find yourself…

“Party Down” Remembered

Everyone who misses the flash of genius that was “Party Down” will enjoy this oral history of the late, lamented show. While we have you here, we may as well redirect you to our tribute to Lizzy Caplan from nearly a year ago, which still expresses our feelings pretty exactly.

Britons Using Any Pretext To Stab Each Other

“A MAN who stabbed his friend to death in a row over a mis-spelt text message has been convicted of manslaughter.” Yes, what a world, etc., but it’s even stranger when you consider this: “Brook told the police he sent Mr Witkowski a text containing the…

20 People to Follow on Twitter: @JOEMACLEOD666

YUCK RT @yokoono: Remember, in the end, we are all water in the same ocean.less than a minute ago via TweetDeck

Joe MacLeod

Hosni Mubarak Is Not Going Yet

This is happening now. The Egyptian president says he will leave eventually, but not just at this moment.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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