All Stories published by The Awl on February 18, 2011

Stories About the Park Slope Food Coop Are Always Fun!

What’s more delightful than the Park Slope Food Coop? The most magical place on earth. I love to read about these people who live in a land far far away from the real! “Jeremie Delon, 31… rejoined recently after becoming a father. He…

Citizens Turn Out in Manama and Madison

Opposition leaders in #Bahrain tell me they are planning a huge march in next few days to retake Pearl Roundabout.Fri Feb 18 10:52:19 via web

Nicholas Kristof

240 Politicians Come Together In Support of Teens Having STDs

240 members of the House of Representatives voted to deny federal funding to Planned Parenthood. Because you know what we should all be against? Healthcare, unbiased information and STD prevention. Enjoy your uneducated and…

Reporter Blames Flub On Fake Headache

Reporter Serene Branson’s revelation that her bizarre Grammy recap was actually the result of a “complex migraine” has lead to increased discussion of the migraine headache, which is kind of remarkable when you realize that, like chronic fatigue syndrome, it is a…

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