All Stories published by The Awl on March 16, 2011

Christian Aid Worker Danny Pye Freed from Haitian Prison

For those who’ve been following along: Danny Pye has been released suddenly from prison in Haiti, after five-plus months. He is en route to Florida, where his wife is going into labor.

Social Media Managers Don’t Buy Lunch, They Take It

This graph about the work life of a “social media manager” is horse pucky. “Social media managers” don’t go out to lunch — they con an acquaintance at another business into bringing over their own lunch, then they tell all their friends and…

Dog Expensive

Is this Tibetan Mastiff the world’s most expensive dog? Well, someone paid about $1.5 million for him, so, yeah, probably.

Moviefone Defends Its Honor

Here is a rather incredible follow-up story, from AOL’s Moviefone, about their request of Techcrunch to make a story more friendly. It’s bizarre! (The request from Moviefone went like this: “Let me know if you’re able to take another look at it and make any edits.”)

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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