All Stories published by The Awl on March 28, 2011

Is There Anything Worse Than Being A Teen?

Science, why are teenagers so stupid?

Our brains have networks of neurons that weigh the costs and benefits of potential actions. Together these networks calculate how valuable things are and how far we’ll go to get them, making…

Website Targets Hazy, Perhaps Jittery Demographic

Former Radar editor Maer Roshan — along with his partners, Allison Floam (who built Microdialogue, which does consumer analysis, and also sells SunSak, which is “a round towel that transforms into a tote bag”) and Joe Schrank (who runs a…

The Purpose of Women in Washington D.C.

Of course one must remember that there are “lots” of lady reporters and thinkers and pundits in Washington D.C., in addition to all the men. Because without this sprinkling of ladies, how would all the important men there who furiously write their blogs be…

Bad Day for Non-Male, Non-White, Non-Straight Type People

• “The Wisconsin Department of Justice announced Monday that former District Attorney Kenneth Kratz won’t face criminal charges over his alleged ‘sexting’ of several women, some of them victims of domestic abuse whose cases Kratz…

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