All Stories published by The Awl on March 31, 2011

Quit Your Job! Jen St. Hilaire of Scarlet City Coffee Roasting

There’s more than one way to start a business. You can straight up just quit your job, and take loans and go for broke — but that’s not something we’re all in a position to do. There are ways to segue into proprietorship

Emily Gould and Sigrid Nunez Make Szechuan Green Beans

In the latest installment of what is somehow the Internet’s only cooking and book chat show, Emily Gould chats with author Sigrid Nunez about her new book, Sempre Susan: A Memoir of Susan Sontag, which is brand new, out this week, so…

What You Should Eat For Lunch Today

Here’s a suggestion for lunch: Go to the Meatball Shop on Stanton Street and Allen Street on the Lower East Side. (If you don’t live in New York City, leave now, and you can make it for tomorrow’s lunch.) Go alone, as the place is very popular and there will be a…

Everything Looks Like Hitler

Here you will find some cats that resemble Adolf Hitler. The fact that the papers are going so deep into the well for this material leads me to fear that we may be exhausting our natural Hitler-resembling resources at this point. Have we reached peak-looking-like-Hitler? It’s a worry. [Previously in “things that look like Adolf Hitler]

Germs Never Sleep

The great hand-drying debate may have been resolved but there is still more disturbing news for those of you who fear the germs: Automatic faucets — the kind where you put your hand under the spout and water is supposed to come out (but rarely does) — are dirtier than manual faucets, and may give…

Back It Up, Back It Up

I am always shocked by how many of my friends regularly lose everything digital that they own. You’re always crying from Tekserve! So yes: today is the day we tell you to back that ish up! (Back that assay up?) That being said, it’s very freeing to lose a computer’s worth of data! You get to start all fresh. But maybe you’re not up for that.

Donkey Saves Sheep From Dog

To Britain, where sometimes good things do happen: “Dotty the donkey from Scarborough is to receive a coveted PDSA Certificate for Animal Bravery after saving a sheep from a frenzied dog attack. Dotty and the sheep and Stanley will be accompanied at the presentation by owner Ann…

Your Gut Will Make You Go Blind

Bad news, fellas: “Piling on the pounds in middle-age could significantly increase a man’s risk of blindness later in life, according to new research. Scientists found an expanding waistline puts men in danger of developing age-related macular degeneration…. Australian…

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