All Stories published by The Awl on May 19, 2011

Bryan Charles and Emily Gould Make Spicy Szechuan Chicken

Cooking the Books is directed by Valerie Temple and shot and edited by Andrew Gauthier. You can see all the Cooking the Books episodes here or even subscribe via iTunes. Previously: Juicing with Jon Cotner and Andy Fitch; Sigrid…

Surfing for a Cause

by Awl Sponsors

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The next time you have surfer’s guilt — you know, that feeling of regret for putting off whatever task needs your attention by poking…

More Bad News For The Depressed

Do happy people really live longer? I used to think the answer was yes, but now Science is telling me that it’s not the case:

Researchers found that children who are rated “highly cheerful” at school went onto die younger than their more reserved…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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