All Stories published by The Awl on June 20, 2011

Galliano v. Strauss-Kahn

French loud-talker Bernard-Henri Levy has stopped mouthing off about his friend Dominique Strauss-Kahn and how simply terrible the American system of arresting people suspected of violent crimes is, at least in part because he’s away, acting as an unofficial envoy to Libya. (Poorly.)…

How Do We Feel About Jackée Being the New Betty White?

The “Ground Zero Mosque” scandal of 2011 isn’t going to be aliens. It’s going to be….

Ok Tweeps, if you’d like to see ME host SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE, as 1000s of you have referenced & requested via e-mail… trend…

Website Victimized By Massive PR Opportunity

Terrible news on the Internets!

A social networking site for ‘’beautiful people’’ has been hit by a ‘’Shrek’’ virus which allowed tens of thousands of ‘’ugly’’ applicants to sign up. Members of must…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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