All Stories published by The Awl on August 17, 2011

Killer Apps: The Media Power Coupler

Boom: Mixing and matching the Observer’s “media power lists” of single people, the Media Power…

Panther Stalks Tuscany

It’s no Italian chupacabra, but it will do: “A large black cat believed to be a panther is stalking the fields and forests of southern Tuscany, striking fear into residents and holidaymakers. Hunters have angered animal rights campaigners by offering to kill it, but the debate is academic — ‘Bagheera’ is running rings around its pursuers.”

Ladies of The Hairpin Congregate Tonight in L.A.

Los Angeles-based readers of The Hairpin are meeting up tonight at 7p.m., at Mohawk Bend. After a few beers they’re going robbing. (In case of disaster or change in venue, your host will update you.) That neighborhood may or may not be “Echo Park.”

Philip Glass Sells Memoir

Composer and East Village legend Philip Glass has sold a memoir, to Norton’s Liveright & Company. Word on the street has it that the text is extremely repetitive but amazingly modulated. (Alternate joke: his studio staff is just going to run around the office and pick up a bunch of…

Pop-Ups Bad

Enough with the pop-ups, says Felix Salmon: “How, then, to explain pop-ups’ popularity? First, the semiotics of pop-up restaurants all scream, This is a great deal. Haphazard service, cheap chairs, liquor-license issues: Diners see these things and think they must be getting a bargain price. Second, there…

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