All Stories published by The Awl on August 24, 2011

‘The Joy Of Sex’: The Original Hairy, Musky Edition

It came! It came! The original 1972 Joy of Sex. Thank you, Mohammed from Brookline, MA. May your positive Amazon ratings never go down. (Look at all the unintentional sexual innuendo we’ve already covered!) I especially would like to thank…

The NYPD Runs Secret COINTELPRO Programs for All Brown People

Who runs the NYPD’s secret terror investigation unit? NO ONE KNOWS. They won’t tell you! But how does finding terror among us work? It’s easy!

They came up with a makeshift solution. They dispatched…

Tomorrow Is A Day For Drinking

So I hope by now you and your colleagues have made plans for National Duck Out For A Drink Day, the day when we all slip out of the office for a quick shot and a beer, because it is tomorrow! And that is not all the drinking some of you will be doing tomorrow: those of you…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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