All Stories published by The Awl on September 06, 2011

It is a truth universally acknowledged…

That a Muslim man, regardless of his fortune, must be in want of a nine-year-old virgin wife.1
 That a single man in possession of a good fortune must be queer.2
 That a Fallen Woman of good family must, soon or late, descend to whoredom.3
 That a single girl…

Consider Garth Brooks

You probably didn’t wake up today thinking, “Gee, I’d love to read an assessment of Garth Brooks’ career,” but that’s why life, despite all its horror and banality, still manages to surprise: “Garth Brooks is not cool. He appealed to old people and little kids, he recorded Bob Dylan songs…

Stop Chewing Or Else I’ll Kill You

Your newly recognized condition of the day: “For people with a condition that some scientists call misophonia, mealtime can be torture. The sounds of other people eating — chewing, chomping, slurping, gurgling — can send them into an instantaneous, blood-boiling rage.” I can actually see how that would be kind of annoying.

Rookie Rookie Rookie

Rookie began publishing yesterday; it’s a magazine owned by Tavi Gevinson, who is 15 and fun and scary smart. It may be of…

TechCrunch Standoff: Arrington Issues Demands to AOL

Things just got EXTRA exciting in the drama that is unfolding between TechCrunch, its parent company AOL and Michael Arrington, the co-editor of the site and the new manager of a multi-million-dollar startup investment thingie. (AOL said…

Man Gets Job

Jollily abrasive media critic Jack Shafer, recently let go from Slate, has landed on his feet, by which we mean he’ll be doing his media criticizing for Reuters.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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