All Stories published by The Awl on October 04, 2011

David Lynch’s “On the Air,” Episode One

God bless Network Awesome for digging up episodes of “On the Air.” Picture it! 1992! It was the much-hyped return of David Lynch to television! We marked our paper calendars and came home early, because if you missed a TV show then, you missed a TV show. We…

New E-Bookstore Has Best FAQ Ever

Hey hey, it’s a book club! And this is how it works. There’s a celeriac metaphor in there for you.

Blog Gives Itself Blog-to-Book-of-Bloggings Deal

Now you can get your Grantland blog posts from August in book form, to be delivered in November, for $19.95, with “a cover that looks and feels like you’re holding a football.” Only 81 shopping days until Christmas!

Bear Does Bad Thing

This will make you cringe: “You just hear the bear chomp on the back of your head…”

Happy Birthday Robert Wilson

Director Robert Wilson turns 70 today. His resume is far too extensive to get into here, but if you have time to watch this documentary about Einstein on the Beach it is available

in three installments here.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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