All Stories published by The Awl on October 11, 2011

Sex And Forgetting

Have you ever had sex done to you that was so amazing it gave you amnesia? You have. With me. You just forgot about it because it was so good. Wanna do it again?

Florida Florida

I’m kind of amazed that we are still arguing about fluoridating the water here in 2011, but I guess I shouldn’t be, because THIS WHOLE COUNTRY IS CRAZY, especially Florida. [Via]

Steal This Occupy Wall Street

by Abe Sauer

Michelle Malkin Not if PlannedParenthood “helps.” MT @marklotto There are going to be so many #occupywallstreet babies 9 months from now
Oct 10 via TweetDeckFavoriteRetweetReply

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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