All Stories published by The Awl on December 05, 2011

What Perfumes Smell Like (Besides Money Burning)

What does money smell like? The Times notes the rapid rise of “sweet” in perfumes, which makes sense, given that pop culture is garbage and syrup, though Prada Candy, God bless. There are also a few holdouts, like Hermes perfumer Jean-Claude…

Sexting Is Natural Self-Selection

Of the 43 million U.S. citizens who are between 10 and 19, only about 3 million have received naked pictures from someone by cellphone, survey says. And only a million of them have sent naked pictures of themselves or took naked photos of others to send! All this talk…

A David Foster Wallace Conversation

Tune in here at 1PM to hear Awl pals Maria Bustillos and Evan Hughes (among others) discuss David Foster Wallace.

People Still Arguing About Bicycles

“Are urban bicyclists just elite snobs?” Don’t ask me! I prefer to ponder considerably less contentious queries like, “Who has it harder, white women or black men?”

Uncle Hyram in Connecticut

This Nathan Englander story in the New Yorker is pretty great! And in my favorite genre of story, which is “people in a house talking.”

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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