All Stories published by The Awl on January 17, 2013

Okay, Sure, “Winter Shorts”

Yes, by all means, go ahead and wear “winter shorts.” I can’t be responsible for the foolish decisions you make any more.

Scoldy Drinks Article Induces Brief Reverie

“IMAGINE, if you can, drinking 33 litres of vodka.
— Oh, I can, New Scientist. I can, I can, I can! I’m sorry. Where were we?

They Eat Horses, Don’t They?

As food safety authorities “try to find out how beefburgers on sale in UK and Irish Republic supermarkets became contaminated with horsemeat,” a helpful soul “has launched an online calculator — so burger fans can work out how many horses they could eat in a lifetime.” I mean…

The Doody Tag Was Invented For Days Like This

Believe me, I more than anyone understand the impulse to titter about this story, but you should just remind yourself that this a is legitimate medical breakthrough that will save the lives of thousands of people and that while it is only natural to…

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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