All Stories published by The Awl on August 01, 2013

Responses To “Rape Joke”

by Patricia Lockwood

When you publish a poem like “Rape Joke,” you take it for granted that two things will happen. One: that people will share their own stories with you, which is wonderful; and two: that people will barf all over their keyboards at you

Dudes Finally Getting Wise To Razor Blade Con

Razors and disposable razor blade sales are dropping dramatically. Are American men are shaving less, or could consumers be growing weary of being forced to pay ludicrous amounts of money for what is essentially high-grade tin foil sold at exorbitant…

Legislature Sexist

Can you guess what the Texas legislature’s little secret is? If you have ever been around an organization that is 80% male, you almost certainly can.

The Awl
Be less stupid.
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