All Stories published by The Awl on December 02, 2013

Bitcoins Mined With Boiling Goo In Secret Hong Kong Facility, Or Something

“The secret Hong Kong facility that uses boiling goo to mine Bitcoins” is the headline. I am not sure what the story is, because the headline alone makes it clear that we now live in a world which I can…

Gentrifiers Saddened By Wealthy Fruits Of Their Gentrifying Labor

“The hipsters who settled the Brooklyn neighborhood 10 years ago have declared war on rich kids flocking to new luxury digs on their parents’ dime…. “It’s like Neverland over there,” a 27-year-old yoga studio owner…

And Now A Few Words About Tea

Upton Tea’s Winter 2013 newsletter contains the latest installment of Reversals of Fortune in the Tea Industry and it is a doozy. I don’t want to reveal any spoilers, but the title is “Part XXX: Trademark Woes,” and they do not stint on A&P;’s innovation in store brand…

Pope Dope

“In addition to having worked sweeping floors and running tests in a chemical laboratory as a teenager, Pope Francis revealed he also used to work as a bouncer. No longer kicking troublemakers out of clubs, he has discovered the secret to bringing people back, this time, into the church, according to the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, Dec. 2.”

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