‘Avatar’ Pre-Buzz Goes Wildly Over the Top with Sam Worthington ‘Esquire’ Cover

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readAug 6, 2009
Sam Worthington

We’re only something like four months prior to the opening of James Cameron’s Avatar, which is apparently the most important movie of our generation (what if it sucks though!?), and already the pre-buzz has put bricklayer-hot Australian actor Sam Worthington on the cover of Esquire. (Perhaps you remember Worthington from such movies as that last Terminator mess, and, um… that episode of Jag? Or, uh, doing Macbeth in Melbourne?) The magazine describes him, very weirdly, on the cover, as “The Greatest Actor of Our Time?” Because you know, when someone finally says that about you, do you really want it to be ending with a question mark? Is this just some weird cover-line uptalk? Is Esquire just girls? Also in the two photos of him in the magazine, Sam Worthington is wearing “cotton jeans by Dolce & Gabbana” and “cotton jeans by Levi’s.” Um, in case you did not know, here is the deal with jeans: they are made out of cotton.

