Beautiful Wonderful Lovely Amazing Prescription Drugs: Why Do Doctors Abuse Them?

Alex Balk
The Awl
Published in
2 min readOct 9, 2013
And why not? Reality is TERRIBLE.

Why do doctors abuse prescription drugs? If you thought the answer was “Because life is an unrelenting series of brutalizing emotions and memories and regrets and even in those rare moments when you forget just exactly how awful things are and you are almost relaxed enough to enjoy a short spell of, if not exactly happiness, at least not feeling like each and every wall is closing in and the end is near and the pain will never stop, there is still a small voice in the back of your brain that pops up to say, ‘Hey, don’t forget about trouble, because it will surely find you, and it is out looking as we speak,’ and that constant cycle of worry and hurt running through your head can only be stilled by the sweet relief of drugs that take that little voice and shove a gag so far down its throat it shits cotton balls for weeks, and if you were a doctor and could write prescriptions OF COURSE you’d be writing them for yourself like crazy, you’d be clinically insane NOT TO,” then you are correct, but this article here on the topic goes with the more polite answer of “self-medication.”

Photo by Zurijeta, via Shutterstock

