Calvin Klein Is 70

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readNov 19, 2012

Happy 70th birthday to Calvin Klein, who shares the day with Indira Gandhi and Allison Janney and other spiritual notables. Klein is proof — like some other very rich people in New York City who are of the exact same age — that life, and the expenditures of great sums of money, really does begin at 70. Having sold the company “Calvin Klein” almost exactly ten years ago, he has spent the last ten years really coming into his own: buying a monstrous Hamptons estate, then tearing it down; taking up with an extremely young lover, then having the young lover promise to write a tell-all about it, after breaking it off when the young fellow was mandated to rehab after being charged with assault and cocaine possession. Calvin Klein lived through the decades of the most-recent great change in American media, from an era in which the press was complicit in closeting to an era when it became aggressive in outing and finally printing what anyone who went out of doors in Manhattan could see for themselves. Happy birthday, Calvin Klein!

