Is Heath Ledger Really Dead? Or Who Is His Identical Twin?

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
2 min readFeb 11, 2010
omg you guys.

Heath Ledger did not have a brother (as far as we know) and so I must jump to a semi-conclusion. Is… Heath Ledger alive? Because, you guys, this fellow sitting in the Henry Street Ale House last night, at a table in the window with a girl? I have never seen anyone ever who looked so disturbingly identical to someone else. He had kinda unfortunate blond Point Break/Prince Valiant hair, not unlike one of Heath Ledger’s many bad hair moments. His face seriously was identical. I know this is messed up but 1. I was not alone and the person with me was like, dude, why is Heath Ledger here? There was gasping. And 2. This was quite near the epicenter of previous Heath Ledger sightings, so it felt normal to see Fake Heath Ledger-so normal that it felt like seeing Real Heath Ledger. Have you seen this guy out and about in Brooklyn? Why hasn’t Google-Face-Buzz-Space invented the terrifying face identifier Internet searching software yet so I can find him? And… well, what if it’s vampire Heath Ledger? Do we have to stake him? UPDATE: Associate Editor Dave Bry saw him as well! On Grand Street, in Manhattan, yesterday-wearing a hoodie. What is going on???

