“It’s Uber, but for Golden Parachutes”

matt buchanan
The Awl
Published in
1 min readAug 19, 2014

The two-way path between government, politics, and private industry, densely shaded by lush money trees, is so well-worn it seems to have been carved by the finger of God, a well-known capitalist, long ago. And yet, fresh trade routes establish themselves all the time. David Plouffe, the man who successfully convinced a majority of the United States in 2008 that Barack Obama would change the country for the better, is now going to make the same argument for Uber, a service that seeks to deeply weave itself into the infrastructure of cities in order to make as much money as possible. Meanwhile, Kara Swisher notes, former Obama press secretary Jay Carney “is still in the running to take over the top comms job at Apple.”

This was inevitable; we were warned. Silcon Valley once believed that — whether by dint of its vast sums of money, its increasingly intimate role in the lives of a billion people, or mass delusion — that it was beyond the reach of politics. It has discovered, perhaps via machine learning, that it is like any other titanic industry that has come before it: Why evade power when you can wield it?

