Joanna Newsom, Yes You Can

The Awl
The Awl
Published in
1 min readAug 10, 2015

by The Hairpin

Some of my favorite things are twee. I love Belle and Sebastian. I love the Free Design. I even like the Ladybug Transistor, and the movie Submarine. Oh, and I LOVE Miranda July. I totally love Miranda July. I even liked the movie with the talking cat, and even the part of the movie where the guy talks to the moon about his relationship woes, and by the end I even liked the talking cat itself. Why? Because it worked! Everything made sense relative to everything else. (You and Me and Everyone We Know was a little much.) Oh, and my favorite instrument is the flute. Sometimes twee is just the medium. For example, Joanna Newsom.

Read the rest at The Hairpin.

