Mubarak’s Alleged Departure: Believe It When You See It

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readFeb 10, 2011

I’ll believe Mubarak is stepping down when I see it with my own eyes (uh, through Al Jazeera). Also? Oh great, stepping down to the evil, Cheney-esque Vice President! (Or, you know, the military. Neat.) But signs do look good: “Hassan al-Roweni, an Egyptian army commander, told protesters in Cairo’s Tahrir Square on Thursday that ‘Everything you want will be realised.’ Protesters have demanded that Hosni Mubarak stand down as president…. Ahmed Shafiq, the country’s prime minister, told the BBC that the president may step down on Thursday evening, and that the situation would be ‘clarified soon.’”

