“My family is eating stir-fried dandelions out of yards to keep from starving.”

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readJul 14, 2011

What are we to do about the disgusting plan to keep America’s unemployment high? Since we’re not marching on Washington, the right and the left aren’t unifying on this issue on which we both agree and basically no one in the business world cares in the slightest, all we can do is create a few jobs ourselves and also keep putting out there what’s really happening, which Yahoo!’s The Lookout is doing admirably. They’ve created a Tumblr where people tell their stories — lots of people. They got thousands of letters when they asked people to tell them what’s really going on. You could just start here at the imposing wall of stories, or maybe you’d like to start with this one and page back.

