Names of ‘Guardian’ Reader’s Pets in Order of Relative ‘Guardian’-Readerness

The Awl
The Awl
Published in
1 min readMay 16, 2013

by TG Gibbon

  • Bob
  • Audrey
  • Douglas
  • Sophie
  • Hodge
  • Rick
  • Otto
  • Benny
  • Elmer
  • Pepper
  • Rasputin
  • Princess Poppy Purrington
  • Fritz
  • Chumley
  • Cuddles
  • Duke
  • Nutmeg
  • Fluff
  • Whiskey
  • Owsley Bear
  • Little Red
  • Bobo
  • Spike
  • Wilf
  • Boris
  • Pookie
  • Bunty
  • Shadow
  • Biff
  • Hamish
  • Mimi MacMac
  • Agatha
  • Cyrus
  • Denzil
  • Gyp
  • Pogue
  • Boeta
  • Nevis
  • Muffin
  • Pepsi
  • Mash
  • Twinkle
  • Bengo
  • Wiggins
  • Tuffy
  • Cato
  • Fatty
  • Munch the Magnificent
  • Suki
  • Illy
  • Bruiser
  • Oliver
  • Master Maximus Meowington
  • Snafu
  • Mouse
  • Mighty Big Red
  • Buzz
  • Zacharias
  • Floquinho
  • Ashoka
  • Cleo Snow
  • Dan
  • Pepita
  • Chicken
  • Gandamack
  • King Fudge
  • Orpheus
  • Ziggy Pop
  • Charlie Pickle
  • Cosmos
  • Odo
  • Saar
  • Naki
  • Bigwig
  • Wilco
  • Kafka
  • Dorkin
  • Cushion
  • Lola
  • Ada
  • Sir Floyd of Shoreditch
  • Chaplin
  • Roxy
  • Findus
  • Nibbler
  • Dooshka
  • Punasaur
  • Darwin
  • Alan Shearer
  • Vashti
  • Schroedinger
  • Purcell
  • Cohen
  • Fidel

Sources: Guardian readers’ “cat in a box” photos; Guardian readers’ “best friends” photos.

TG Gibbon is on Twitter and used to have a pair of peafowl called Gertrude and Captain Amazing.

