New York Senate Farce: Who’s To Blame?

Alex Balk
The Awl
Published in
1 min readJul 1, 2009

When one considers the farcical situation in Albany the initial reaction is anger, followed quickly by a desire to apportion blame. Who’s responsible for the total farce into which Crazytown has so willingly descended?

You might be inclined to castigate a governor whose incompetence is even more shocking than the reason for which he attained the office, a legislature to which the classification of “dysfunctional” has been applied with such regularity that the term no longer means anything, and a parochial system where blind obeisance is granted in return for the most petty personal rewards. In short, you’re probably inclined to blame pretty much everyone. But if you want to focus your ire on one particular group, the New York Times’ Danny Hakim suggests blaming Senate Republicans, who know that time and demographics are against them and that this is their last, best shot at making sure the Democrats can’t do to them what they did to the Democrats during the forty-odd years Republicans held the majority in the chamber. Okay, sure, we can blame them plenty. But on a more rational and considered basis, I still think general consensus should be “Fuck all those guys.”

