No Cuban Will Ever Buy a Mercedes Again

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2012

Here you go! At CES, Mercedes pimped some weird “car-sharing” app with a doctored classic photo of Che Guevara with a Mercedes logo on his hat, because they were making a joke (joke?) about socialism, which, how did this even happen, on any of the complicated levels on which that seems like a bad idea at this moment? So, yes: “Felix Rodriguez, who is now president of the Bay of Pigs Veterans Association, said other veterans of the failed invasion had also commented on Mercedes-Benz website and promised never again to buy a vehicle from the car maker.” The Cubans are, sure, enraged, and perhaps you will enjoy the 313 comments at the Miami Herald today. (“All that we asked for and were promised was air and naval support to neutrolize Fidel’s still vulnerable armed forces. But we had an American President who simpy lacked the testicular fortitute to go through with the Armed Forces’ promises.” [sic throughout.] It’s always 1965 in Miami, the former terrorism capital and CIA base of America, baby!)

In other really dodgy moments, uh, here is the “augmented reality dashboard experience” Mercedes was doing at CES. Because what we alllll want is our Facebook friends projected on our windshields.


