NYPD Honcho Wants to Frisk You Even More

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2012

NYPD honcho Ray Kelly lost his minnnnnnd last night. He appears to think that not enough poor and/or black people are out in the streets demanding more stop and frisk, so that there will allegedly be fewer murders and shootings right now. Stop and frisk in New York City already engages about 3/4 of a million people this year — and it would have pretty much “zero” effect on how there were 16 murders in New York in the course of five days earlier this month. (Also, of those murders, three were mothers killing their children, and one was a crazed stabber shot by transit cops.)

This is funny timing for Kelly to be banging his badge on this topic! Since the current process of stop and frisk is about to be (correctly) eaten away by the courts.

