Oh Good, We Bombed a Library

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
1 min readApr 25, 2011

Things in Libya are… God, this is depressing. But we’ve apparently done great damage to Gaddafi’s Bab al-Azizya compound! Take that, books and files! Worry not, Lindsey Graham and John McCain are out agitating for us to just assassinate Gaddafi. (I’m pretty sure that’s what “cut the head of the snake off” means.) You know: the American way.

Elsewhere? Much worse! Apparently government troops are firing on protesters in Yemen today, and, after the horrific weekend in Syria, “Syrian troops and tanks have entered the city of Deraa, where the protests against the Assad regime began last month. Troops reportedly opened fire randomly on people and made arrests.” Syria’s borders have been locked down; the U.S. is preparing sanctions. John McCain might go over and cut some snake-heads off by hand though?

