Scenes from the Zombie Apocalypse of “Urban Beach Weekend”

Choire Sicha
The Awl
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2012

“Many locals will flee,” said the newspaper beforehand. “Some business owners blamed the police tactics for a precipitous drop in crowds and income this weekend,” said the newspaper afterward. That’s right: white people fled in droves in the face of the arrival of some 200,000 black people for Urban Beach Weekend in Miami Beach — and so the non-beach-side downtown was a ghost town. Like the far end of Lincoln Road Mall, with nobody on the street (and parking everywhere!).

The beach’s one chain movie theater had no patrons.

Juvia, one of the most expensive restaurants in town, had empty tables (and nearly no black customers).

You know when I usually close my business for remodeling? Yes, Memorial Day Weekend. It just makes sense, you know?

Here’s something that should stop the hearts of New Yorkers: this was the rambunctious line at Shake Shack on Saturday night at prime hamburger time.

