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The Awl
Be less stupid.
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American Airlines’ Bankruptcy as Union Negotiating Strategy

While there’s lots of noise today about American Airlines finally filing for bankruptcy, as an extension of its 2009 turnaround plan (oh, and its $30 BILLION in debt), there’s a lot less noise about how Chapter 11 is also a…

UPS Allows You To Pay Them Instead Of Paying Baggage-Handling Fees

UPS will start selling suitcase-sized boxes at its retail outlets so weary air travelers can ship their luggage from place to place, thus alleviating themselves from the twin hassles of checking bags at the airport…

Fly Heathrow For Free! Oh Sorry — Fly The Plane Over Heathrow For Free

I know where I’m not flying to any time soon! British Airways is letting 800 staff work without pay; 4000 other employees are taking “unpaid vacation.” I am thinking it will be not a big lifestyle change if I avoid London altogether really.

American Airlines: Still the Worst Website in the Universe

This is something I think frequently myself! “Recently, I had the horrific displeasure of booking a flight on your website, aa.com. The experience was so bad that I vowed never to fly your airline again.” Hilariously, some folks at American Airlines agreed.