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Awl Pals

The Awl
The Awl
Be less stupid.
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RapGenius, Explained, Explains Itself

If you enjoyed Awl pal Willy Staley’s discussion of mondegreen and rap lyrics and RapGenius — “Not everyone is satisfied with this chaos, however, and one site in particular, RapGenius, has harnessed the power of the masses to guarantee that you never embarrass…

Book Sold

Congratulations to Awl pal Jessica Grose, who has sold her debut novel to William Morrow. (That link is subscription-only, so know this: Sad Desk Salad is “told from the voice of a popular blogger who chronicles the rise and fall of her big scoop, where she must reconcile her values with the growing…

Website Wants Money

What do Awl pals Eric Freeman, David Roth and Bethlehem Shoals have in common? Well, they’re Awl pals. But also this.

Awl Pals All Up In New York Times Magazine

In this weekend’s New York Times Magazine, Awl pal Jay Caspian Kang profiles a 21-year-old online poker millionaire. Also in this weekend’s New York Time Magazine, Awl pal Heather Havrilesky reflects: “Conversations between middle-aged people and…